Saturday, February 5, 2011

Music Business on the Urban side, Get Some Integrity!

The music business has been ruined by greed. It costs money to make the record, i.e. studio time, producers, session players, travel costs, per diems, accommodations, mixing, mastering, artwork design, duplication, digital distribution, street promoters, publicists, etc. and then deejays that work at radio stations that make a salary have the damn gall to want you to pay them to play your record - and local promoters want you to pay to be on a show, like all of theses peeps do not realize that records aren't selling. Greed, egos and assholes have ruined the music business. Some on here suggest paying them to get your record in better positioning, well what about when you pay them and they do not do what they promise to do, i.e. E-blasts, club play, features on web sites of record pools? Damn shame, and they still taking other people for their money. Didn't the federal government outlaw payola? Hmmmm, I guess the grimey folks never got that message. Play and support music because you like it, not because your palms are greased to tolerate it. If the majors would stop paying these P1 and P2 stations off and let radio give good music a chance - it would be a better experience for all. There are not many opportunities for upcoming Black artists to get paid for live shows. Everything is pay to get on the stage and the p.a. systems be whack and they want to always cut your performance time to 3 minutes, but charge $500.00 or more for that bullcrap experience. Step up your game African-Americans, support each other in an upright way and stop the madness.

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